Source code for lettuce.flows.obstacle

import warnings
import numpy as np
from lettuce.unit import UnitConversion
from lettuce.util import append_axes
from lettuce.boundary import EquilibriumBoundaryPU, BounceBackBoundary, AntiBounceBackOutlet

[docs] class Obstacle: """ Flow class to simulate the flow around an object (mask). It consists of one inflow (equilibrium boundary) and one outflow (anti-bounce-back-boundary), leading to a flow in positive x direction. Parameters ---------- shape : Tuple[int]: Grid resolution. domain_length_x : float Length of the domain in physical units. Attributes ---------- mask : np.array with dtype = bool Boolean mask to define the obstacle. The shape of this object is the shape of the grid. Initially set to zero (no obstacle). Examples -------- Initialization of flow around a cylinder: >>> from lettuce import Lattice, D2Q9 >>> flow = Obstacle( >>> shape=(101, 51), >>> reynolds_number=100, >>> mach_number=0.1, >>> lattice=lattice, >>> domain_length_x=10.1 >>> ) >>> x, y = flow.grid >>> condition = np.sqrt((x-2.5)**2+(y-2.5)**2) < 1. >>> flow.mask[np.where(condition)] = 1 """ def __init__(self, shape, reynolds_number, mach_number, lattice, domain_length_x, char_length=1, char_velocity=1): if len(shape) != lattice.D: raise ValueError(f"{lattice.D}-dimensional lattice requires {lattice.D}-dimensional `shape`") self.shape = shape char_length_lu = shape[0] / domain_length_x * char_length self.units = UnitConversion( lattice, reynolds_number=reynolds_number, mach_number=mach_number, characteristic_length_lu=char_length_lu, characteristic_length_pu=char_length, characteristic_velocity_pu=char_velocity ) self._mask = np.zeros(shape=self.shape, dtype=bool) @property def mask(self): return self._mask @mask.setter def mask(self, m): assert isinstance(m, np.ndarray) and m.shape == self.shape self._mask = m.astype(bool)
[docs] def initial_solution(self, x): p = np.zeros_like(x[0], dtype=float)[None, ...] u_char = self.units.characteristic_velocity_pu * self._unit_vector() u_char = append_axes(u_char, self.units.lattice.D) u = (1 - self.mask) * u_char return p, u
@property def grid(self): xyz = tuple(self.units.convert_length_to_pu(np.arange(n)) for n in self.shape) return np.meshgrid(*xyz, indexing='ij') @property def boundaries(self): x = self.grid[0] return [ EquilibriumBoundaryPU( np.abs(x) < 1e-6, self.units.lattice, self.units, self.units.characteristic_velocity_pu * self._unit_vector() ), AntiBounceBackOutlet(self.units.lattice, self._unit_vector().tolist()), BounceBackBoundary(self.mask, self.units.lattice) ] def _unit_vector(self, i=0): return np.eye(self.units.lattice.D)[i]
[docs] def Obstacle2D(resolution_x, resolution_y, reynolds_number, mach_number, lattice, char_length_lu): warnings.warn("Obstacle2D is deprecated. Use Obstacle instead", DeprecationWarning) shape = (resolution_x, resolution_y) domain_length_x = resolution_x / char_length_lu return Obstacle(shape, reynolds_number, mach_number, lattice, domain_length_x=domain_length_x)
[docs] def Obstacle3D(resolution_x, resolution_y, resolution_z, reynolds_number, mach_number, lattice, char_length_lu): warnings.warn("Obstacle3D is deprecated. Use Obstacle instead", DeprecationWarning) shape = (resolution_x, resolution_y, resolution_z) domain_length_x = resolution_x / char_length_lu return Obstacle(shape, reynolds_number, mach_number, lattice, domain_length_x=domain_length_x)