Source code for lettuce.collision

Collision models

import torch

from typing import Optional

from lettuce.base import LatticeBase
from lettuce.equilibrium import QuadraticEquilibrium
from lettuce.util import LettuceException
from lettuce.native_generator import NativeNoCollision, NativeBGKCollision

__all__ = [
    "BGKCollision", "KBCCollision2D", "KBCCollision3D", "MRTCollision", "RegularizedCollision",
    "SmagorinskyCollision", "TRTCollision", "BGKInitialization", "NoCollision"

class Collision(LatticeBase):
    """Class Collision

    Base class for all lattice collision components.
    Ensures that all collision components share a
    signature to rely on.

    no_collision_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor]

    def __init__(self, lattice: 'Lattice'):
        LatticeBase.__init__(self, lattice)
        self.no_collision_mask = None

    def __call__(self, f: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        """The heart of the collision operator

        Applies the collision operator to the distribution function.

        f: torch.Tensor
            The distribution function of the current timestamp.
        The distribution function of the current timestamp with
        the collision operator applied.
        raise NotImplementedError()

[docs] class NoCollision(Collision): """Class NoCollision A collision operator that is equal to the identity function. This method is mainly for debugging and should not be used for serious simulations! """
[docs] def native_available(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] def create_native(self) -> 'NativeNoCollision': return NativeNoCollision()
def __call__(self, f: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return f
[docs] class BGKCollision(Collision): def __init__(self, lattice, tau, force=None): Collision.__init__(self, lattice) self.force = force self.lattice = lattice self.tau = tau
[docs] def native_available(self) -> bool: return self.lattice.equilibrium.native_available()
[docs] def create_native(self) -> 'NativeBGKCollision': native_equilibrium = self.lattice.equilibrium.create_native() support_no_collision_mask = (self.no_collision_mask is not None) and self.no_collision_mask.any() return NativeBGKCollision(native_equilibrium, support_no_collision_mask)
def __call__(self, f): rho = self.lattice.rho(f) u_eq = 0 if self.force is None else self.force.u_eq(f) u = self.lattice.u(f, rho=rho) + u_eq feq = self.lattice.equilibrium(rho, u) Si = 0 if self.force is None else self.force.source_term(u) return f - 1.0 / self.tau * (f - feq) + Si
[docs] class MRTCollision(Collision): """Multiple relaxation time collision operator This is an MRT operator in the most general sense of the word. The transform does not have to be linear and can, e.g., be any moment or cumulant transform. """ def __init__(self, lattice, transform, relaxation_parameters): Collision.__init__(self, lattice) self.lattice = lattice self.transform = transform self.relaxation_parameters = lattice.convert_to_tensor(relaxation_parameters) def __call__(self, f): m = self.transform.transform(f) meq = self.transform.equilibrium(m) m = m - self.lattice.einsum("q,q->q", [1 / self.relaxation_parameters, m - meq]) f = self.transform.inverse_transform(m) return f
[docs] class TRTCollision: """Two relaxation time collision model - standard implementation (cf. Krüger 2017) """ def __init__(self, lattice, tau, tau_minus=1.0): Collision.__init__(self, lattice) self.lattice = lattice self.tau_plus = tau self.tau_minus = tau_minus def __call__(self, f): rho = self.lattice.rho(f) u = self.lattice.u(f, rho=rho) feq = self.lattice.equilibrium(rho, u) f_diff_neq = ((f + f[self.lattice.stencil.opposite]) - (feq + feq[self.lattice.stencil.opposite])) / ( 2.0 * self.tau_plus) f_diff_neq += ((f - f[self.lattice.stencil.opposite]) - (feq - feq[self.lattice.stencil.opposite])) / ( 2.0 * self.tau_minus) f = f - f_diff_neq return f
[docs] class RegularizedCollision(Collision): """Regularized LBM according to Jonas Latt and Bastien Chopard (2006)""" def __init__(self, lattice, tau): Collision.__init__(self, lattice) self.lattice = lattice self.tau = tau self.Q_matrix = torch.zeros([lattice.Q, lattice.D, lattice.D], device=lattice.device, dtype=lattice.dtype) for a in range(lattice.Q): for b in range(lattice.D): for c in range(lattice.D): self.Q_matrix[a, b, c] = lattice.e[a, b] * lattice.e[a, c] if b == c: self.Q_matrix[a, b, c] -= lattice.cs * lattice.cs def __call__(self, f): rho = self.lattice.rho(f) u = self.lattice.u(f, rho=rho) feq = self.lattice.equilibrium(rho, u) pi_neq = self.lattice.shear_tensor(f - feq) cs4 = self.lattice.cs ** 4 pi_neq = self.lattice.einsum("qab,ab->q", [self.Q_matrix, pi_neq]) pi_neq = self.lattice.einsum("q,q->q", [self.lattice.w, pi_neq]) fi1 = pi_neq / (2 * cs4) f = feq + (1. - 1. / self.tau) * fi1 return f
[docs] class KBCCollision2D(Collision): """Entropic multi-relaxation time model according to Karlin et al. in two dimensions""" def __init__(self, lattice, tau): Collision.__init__(self, lattice) self.lattice = lattice assert lattice.Q == 9, LettuceException("KBC2D only realized for D2Q9") self.tau = tau self.beta = 1. / (2 * tau) # Build a matrix that contains the indices self.M = torch.zeros([3, 3, 9], device=lattice.device, dtype=lattice.dtype) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): self.M[i, j] = lattice.e[:, 0] ** i * lattice.e[:, 1] ** j
[docs] def kbc_moment_transform(self, f): """Transforms the f into the KBC moment representation""" m = torch.einsum('abq,qmn', self.M, f) rho = m[0, 0] m = m / rho m[0, 0] = rho return m
[docs] def compute_s_seq_from_m(self, f, m): s = torch.zeros_like(f) T = m[2, 0] + m[0, 2] N = m[2, 0] - m[0, 2] Pi_xy = m[1, 1] s[0] = m[0, 0] * -T s[1] = 1. / 2. * m[0, 0] * (0.5 * (T + N)) s[2] = 1. / 2. * m[0, 0] * (0.5 * (T - N)) s[3] = 1. / 2. * m[0, 0] * (0.5 * (T + N)) s[4] = 1. / 2. * m[0, 0] * (0.5 * (T - N)) s[5] = 1. / 4. * m[0, 0] * (Pi_xy) s[6] = -s[5] s[7] = 1. / 4 * m[0, 0] * Pi_xy s[8] = -s[7] return s
def __call__(self, f): # the deletes are not part of the algorithm, they just keep the memory usage lower rho = self.lattice.rho(f) u = self.lattice.u(f, rho=rho) feq = self.lattice.equilibrium(rho, u) # k = torch.zeros_like(f) m = self.kbc_moment_transform(f) delta_s = self.compute_s_seq_from_m(f, m) # k[0] = m[0, 0] # k[1] = m[0, 0] / 2. * m[1, 0] # k[2] = m[0, 0] / 2. * m[0, 1] # k[3] = -m[0, 0] / 2. * m[1, 0] # k[4] = -m[0, 0] / 2. * m[0, 1] # k[5] = 0 # k[6] = 0 # k[7] = 0 # k[8] = 0 m = self.kbc_moment_transform(feq) delta_s -= self.compute_s_seq_from_m(f, m) del m delta_h = f - feq - delta_s sum_s = self.lattice.rho(delta_s * delta_h / feq) sum_h = self.lattice.rho(delta_h * delta_h / feq) del feq gamma_stab = 1. / self.beta - (2 - 1. / self.beta) * sum_s / sum_h gamma_stab[gamma_stab < 1E-15] = 2.0 gamma_stab[torch.isnan(gamma_stab)] = 2.0 f = f - self.beta * (2 * delta_s + gamma_stab * delta_h) return f
[docs] class KBCCollision3D(Collision): """Entropic multi-relaxation time-relaxation time model according to Karlin et al. in three dimensions""" def __init__(self, lattice, tau): Collision.__init__(self, lattice) self.lattice = lattice assert lattice.Q == 27, LettuceException("KBC only realized for D3Q27") self.tau = tau self.beta = 1. / (2 * tau) # Build a matrix that contains the indices self.M = torch.zeros([3, 3, 3, 27], device=lattice.device, dtype=lattice.dtype) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): for k in range(3): self.M[i, j, k] = lattice.e[:, 0] ** i * lattice.e[:, 1] ** j * lattice.e[:, 2] ** k
[docs] def kbc_moment_transform(self, f): """Transforms the f into the KBC moment representation""" m = torch.einsum('abcq,qmno', self.M, f) rho = m[0, 0, 0] m = m / rho m[0, 0, 0] = rho return m
[docs] def compute_s_seq_from_m(self, f, m): s = torch.zeros_like(f) T = m[2, 0, 0] + m[0, 2, 0] + m[0, 0, 2] N_xz = m[2, 0, 0] - m[0, 0, 2] N_yz = m[0, 2, 0] - m[0, 0, 2] Pi_xy = m[1, 1, 0] Pi_xz = m[1, 0, 1] Pi_yz = m[0, 1, 1] s[0] = m[0, 0, 0] * -T s[1] = 1. / 6. * m[0, 0, 0] * (2 * N_xz - N_yz + T) s[2] = s[1] s[3] = 1. / 6. * m[0, 0, 0] * (2 * N_yz - N_xz + T) s[4] = s[3] s[5] = 1. / 6. * m[0, 0, 0] * (-N_xz - N_yz + T) s[6] = s[5] s[7] = 1. / 4 * m[0, 0, 0] * Pi_yz s[8] = s[7] s[9] = - 1. / 4 * m[0, 0, 0] * Pi_yz s[10] = s[9] s[11] = 1. / 4 * m[0, 0, 0] * Pi_xz s[12] = s[11] s[13] = -1. / 4 * m[0, 0, 0] * Pi_xz s[14] = s[13] s[15] = 1. / 4 * m[0, 0, 0] * Pi_xy s[16] = s[15] s[17] = -1. / 4 * m[0, 0, 0] * Pi_xy s[18] = s[17] return s
def __call__(self, f): # the deletes are not part of the algorithm, they just keep the memory usage lower feq = self.lattice.equilibrium(self.lattice.rho(f), self.lattice.u(f)) # k = torch.zeros_like(f) m = self.kbc_moment_transform(f) delta_s = self.compute_s_seq_from_m(f, m) # k[1] = m[0, 0, 0] / 6. * (3. * m[1, 0, 0]) # k[0] = m[0, 0, 0] # k[2] = -k[1] # k[3] = m[0, 0, 0] / 6. * (3. * m[0, 1, 0]) # k[4] = -k[3] # k[5] = m[0, 0, 0] / 6. * (3. * m[0, 0, 1]) # k[6] = -k[5] m = self.kbc_moment_transform(feq) delta_s -= self.compute_s_seq_from_m(f, m) del m delta_h = f - feq - delta_s sum_s = self.lattice.rho(delta_s * delta_h / feq) sum_h = self.lattice.rho(delta_h * delta_h / feq) del feq gamma_stab = 1. / self.beta - (2 - 1. / self.beta) * sum_s / sum_h gamma_stab[gamma_stab < 1E-15] = 2.0 # Detect NaN gamma_stab[torch.isnan(gamma_stab)] = 2.0 f = f - self.beta * (2 * delta_s + gamma_stab * delta_h) return f
[docs] class SmagorinskyCollision(Collision): """Smagorinsky large eddy simulation (LES) collision model with BGK operator.""" def __init__(self, lattice, tau, smagorinsky_constant=0.17, force=None): Collision.__init__(self, lattice) self.force = force self.lattice = lattice self.tau = tau self.iterations = 2 self.tau_eff = tau self.constant = smagorinsky_constant def __call__(self, f): rho = self.lattice.rho(f) u_eq = 0 if self.force is None else self.force.u_eq(f) u = self.lattice.u(f) + u_eq feq = self.lattice.equilibrium(rho, u) S_shear = self.lattice.shear_tensor(f - feq) S_shear /= (2.0 * rho * self.lattice.cs ** 2) self.tau_eff = self.tau nu = (self.tau - 0.5) / 3.0 for i in range(self.iterations): S = S_shear / self.tau_eff S = self.lattice.einsum('ab,ab->', [S, S]) nu_t = self.constant ** 2 * S nu_eff = nu + nu_t self.tau_eff = nu_eff * 3.0 + 0.5 Si = 0 if self.force is None else self.force.source_term(u) return f - 1.0 / self.tau_eff * (f - feq) + Si
[docs] class BGKInitialization(Collision): """Keep velocity constant.""" def __init__(self, lattice, flow, moment_transformation): Collision.__init__(self, lattice) self.lattice = lattice self.tau = flow.units.relaxation_parameter_lu self.moment_transformation = moment_transformation p, u = flow.initial_solution(flow.grid) self.u = flow.units.convert_velocity_to_lu(lattice.convert_to_tensor(u)) self.rho0 = flow.units.characteristic_density_lu self.equilibrium = QuadraticEquilibrium(self.lattice) momentum_names = tuple([f"j{x}" for x in "xyz"[:self.lattice.D]]) self.momentum_indices = moment_transformation[momentum_names] def __call__(self, f): rho = self.lattice.rho(f) feq = self.equilibrium(rho, self.u) m = self.moment_transformation.transform(f) meq = self.moment_transformation.transform(feq) mnew = m - 1.0 / self.tau * (m - meq) mnew[0] = m[0] - 1.0 / (self.tau + 1) * (m[0] - meq[0]) mnew[self.momentum_indices] = rho * self.u f = self.moment_transformation.inverse_transform(mnew) return f